Author: Roberta

I know this may sound blasphemous, but I am thankful Thanksgiving is over. Why? Because, like other seasonal holidays, it can occasionally create a lot of pressure and generate unreasonably high expectations. Our families have always lived far away from us, so there’s never been a traditional Thanksgiving Day gathering place. When Hubby and I were younger, we overcame the distance by traveling many miles by plane, train, and automobile. Some years, family members would travel those same miles in reverse to come to our home. The grandkids were little in those days, so a Thanksgiving Day celebration with Grandma…

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At the grocery store checkout line the other day, I noticed the lady in front of me. A small white tag on her shirt was sticking out behind her neck. I briefly thought about telling her, but I hesitated. Then I noticed her entire shirt was inside out. A few years ago, a popular style was to wear some articles of clothing inside out. This wasn’t the case with this woman. She was neat and clean but not on the cutting edge. I didn’t know her, so I decided not to say anything. She may notice it when she gets…

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Yep, Halloween is coming again. It brings back fond memories from my youth. Living on a remote farm, we never got any trick-or-treaters, so we missed out on handing out the treats. But that didn’t mean we didn’t go into town and participate. Very few kids in those days could afford store-bought costumes, and we always made our own masks. Most were made from brown paper bags. Scary designs were colored on them, and holes were cut for the eyes and the mouth. I giggle when I think of a bunch of us farm kids running around with paper bags…

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Watching football on television the other day, Hubby referred to University of Colorado football coach Deion Sanders as Prime. I said, “Prime? Where did that come from?” Turns out, he got the name Prime Time from a college teammate while returning from a successful football game on the team bus – and it stuck! Okay! Whatever! As you know, my given name is Roberta. That wasn’t always the case. The formal announcement of my birth proclaimed the arrival of baby Judy. Then, a few weeks later, my dad, whose name is Robert, heard about the name Roberta. Being a first-time…

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I hired a cleaning lady to help me around the house a few years ago. She would come every two weeks and work for about four hours. She was okay but never did as good a job as I would do. She certainly worked hard while she was here. I paid her $100 for her services and occasionally gave her stuff like old clothes, homemade goodies, fresh garden vegetables, and used puzzles for her father. Adelina was always cheerful and very reliable. Although mainly Spanish-speaking, we could communicate effectively with her limited English and my halting high-school Spanish. She would…

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Growing up on a farm in Minnesota, the weather was a big part of my life. Living in California now, I’m not quite as affected by it, but I realize it’s still a factor. Hurricane Hilary was headed our way and was forecast to arrive on Sunday. What? I live in the desert in Southern California, over 120 miles from the coast! They don’t have hurricanes here, do they? Well, it turns out they do. Fortunately, they don’t occur often. The last hurricane that hit California was 84 years ago, long before hurricanes were given names. I knew what to…

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It’s been said that saying “Thank You” is among the most under appreciated and under utilized phrase in the English language. Why is that, do you suppose? Aren’t people thankful? Aren’t people grateful? Is it just poor manners? I’ve been thinking about the subject of gratitude a lot lately. Recently, I felt I was due a thank you or two, but I didn’t get a one. Hubby and I had sent Amazon cash birthday gift cards to two family members. Neither recipient sent us a thank you or even called us! We fretted. They must not have received them, we…

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I’m starting to realize that my friends and I have come full circle! For years, we were concerned about our children being okay. We continue to worry today – but perhaps not as much as they are now grown adults. It seems the tables have turned. Lately, I’m hearing middle-aged kids wondering what to do about their senior parents! It actually happened to me many years ago. When I was barely in my 40’s and divorced, my son said he wanted to have a serious discussion with me. Naturally, I became alarmed. Then he began: “Mom, I’m worried about what…

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Now don’t get your knickers in a knot! This title may be a little misleading. I’m certainly aware this is PRIDE month, so it’s probably mischievous of me to give you the wrong idea. My topic is – literally speaking – getting clothes, shoes and items such as hats, scarves, socks, and undies out of the closet. In other words, my closet is a mess – and needs attention! I wish I could get someone to do this for me. Why is it so difficult? How many times have I piled a bunch of items in a large plastic bag…

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I’ve been worried lately about my loved ones. To share just one recent worry, my son just took a 790-mile bike ride down the coast of California from Sacramento to San Diego. Good grief! He’s 57 years old! When I was his age, I’m not sure I could still ride a bike! I watched his [AP] progress on the online map shown below and was frantic as he biked busy California roads and bridges. To cheer me up, Hubby pointed out, “Well, at least he’s going down hill from north to south!” Thankfully, after four grueling days he made it…

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